On this Sunday, this first thing I saw on arrival were a bunch of sailboats quite close to shore. I think these were sailing classes but I could be mistaken.

Sailboats at Lighthouse Marine Park, Point Roberts WA
On the birding front, I got a nice shot of a cluster of female Red-breasted Mergansers. I think the bird in the background is a Grebe.

Red-breasted Merganser - Lighthouse Marine Park, Point Roberts WA
Suddenly a flock of Sanderlings flew past heading south east.

Sanderling - Lighthouse Marine Park, Point Roberts WA
There wasn't much else to see other than the sailboats and I was preparing to leave when the Sanderlings reappeared, now heading north-west.

They settled down quite close to where I was standing. I believe that the brownish birds are Dunlin, another bird that is usually with a flock.

It looked like the flock was here for a daytime nap.

However some of the birds remained alert in case trouble came their way.

Here's a short movie of them:
As I was returning to the parking lot, I spotted this loon accompanied by a pair of guillemots.

Common Loon and Pigeon Guillemots - Lighthouse Marine Park, Point Roberts WA
I returned to my car and headed over to Reifel Bird Sanctuary in Delta.