It is primarily used by dog owners as they can let their dogs run off-leash. It is also popular with birders, especially during spring.
All the buildings are gone, but the paved roads remain, and there is a spectacular collection of trees, shrubs and some marshy areas. This is a typical path in the park.

And here's some of the greenery.

The first bird I heard was the familiar White-crowned Sparrow.

White-crowned Sparrow - North 40 Park Reserve, Delta BC
There were still many Eagles overhead, the numbers down a bit from the peak Winter abundance.

Bald Eagles - North 40 Park Reserve, Delta BC
I did not see much else until I reached a Marsh area near the south end of the reserve. I was hearing the song of a Common Yellowthroat, and managed to spot a female in a nearby bush. This branches in front fooled the auto-focus and the bird was gone before I could manually adjust.
Common Yellowthroat (F) - North 40 Park Reserve, Delta BC - 2017 Bird # 141
I was trying to capture the singing male when I noticed a different bird nearby. My first thought was Song Sparrow, but I quickly realized it was a Lincoln's Sparrow. It was much more cooperative for the camera. I love the colouring on this bird.
Lincoln's Sparrow - North 40 Park Reserve, Delta BC - 2017 Bird #142
The male Yellowthroat was still singing nearby and I managed a couple of acceptable shots of him. Getting a good shot of the male is always tricky as the black face causes exposure problems. And they never sit still for more than a second or two.
Common Yellowthroat - North 40 Park Reserve, Delta BC
Common Yellowthroat - North 40 Park Reserve, Delta BC
As I was heading back I ran into another photographer who told me he saw a Cooper's Hawk on a nest at the south end of the park near the marshy area. He warned me to be careful as the hawk had charged at his head.
I headed back and spotted a large nest about 100 meters away. I walked around and got a closer look from the side, trying to be inconspicuous. I took this photo.
If did appear to be a Cooper's but something was not right. I took out the Nikon and zoomed in closer.
Either this is one well camouflaged hawk, or someone is very artistic. I call it a Cooper's Hoax. I think the warning was to prevent me from getting a closer look.
And since this was a dog park, here's a couple I saw. The one in the back is a Blue Healer, a breed that my sister Patty had for many years.
And that was the end of this outing.
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