I noticed on Google that the official name is Brydon Park and the lagoon is called Duck Lake. I'll use the names interchangeably.
I would not be successful in seeing the Heron but got some good photos of the winter ducks and grebes.
Brydon Park is situated in South Langley in a residential area. There are BC Hydro high tension wires in the area, so there is also a good amount of open space around the Lagoon.

At the south end of the lake there was a collection of Hooded Mergansers, including this showy male.

Hooded Merganser - Brydon Park, Langley BC
In the same area was a Pied-billed Grebe. Both of these birds were close to shore which made for good photo opportunities.

Pied-billed Grebe - Brydon Park, Langley BC
Here's a grebe with a female Hooded Merganser in the foreground.

Pied-billed Grebe and Hooded Merganser (F) - Brydon Park, Langley BC
As I made my way back to the north end of the lake I saw some Common Merganser males. They were farther away so the photos are not quite as sharp.

Common Merganser - Brydon Park, Langley BC

Another Grebe was in the same area, I can never get enough of these birds.
Pied-billed Grebe - Brydon Park, Langley BC
The most common duck at the shallow end of the lake is the Mallard. Many people feed them so they tend to congregate in this area.
Mallard - Brydon Park, Langley BC
Upon leaving I saw another common bird:
Song Sparrow - Brydon Park, Langley BC
I headed back west and visited Boundary Bay, as detailed in the next post.
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