Once you get on Rannie Road there are good chances for seeing Hawks and Kestrels on the telephone wires. If traffic is light, as it was today, it's possible to get some good shots from the car.
I saw three Red-tailed Hawks on the way to Pitt Lake and was able to photograph each one.
The first was a light adult (according to my Sibley guide).

Red-tailed Hawk - Rannie Rd, Pitt Meadows BC
The second was quite different looking but I had an expert birder look at it and confirmed it was a Red-tailed. I wonder if it is quite a young bird that was still dependent on an adult for feeding.
Red-tailed Hawk - Rannie Rd, Pitt Meadows BC

Red-tailed Hawk - Rannie Rd, Pitt Meadows BC
At Pitt Lake I ventured out on the nature trail, which looks completely different in the winter when all the leaves have fallen.

There were very few birds of any kind on the trail, never mind any Bohemian Waxwings.
I did see two of the more common species:

Spotted Towhee - Pitt Lake Nature Trail, Pitt Meadows BC

Northwestern Crow - Pitt Lake, Pitt Meadows BC
I still had all the afternoon available and read that there had been White-winged Crossbills seen near Reifel Bird Sanctuary in Delta.
The next post details the afternoon events.
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