I met Chris and his partner Nancy and we did a leisurely circuit around the Sanctuary.
In the winter Reifel features many of our year-round sparrows, especially common is the Golden-Crowned species. This bird is already on it's way to full breeding season plumage.

Golden-crowned Sparrow - Reifel Bird Sanctuary, Delta BC
Another year round resident is the Red-winged Blackbird, these birds will eat bird seed out of your hand at Reifel.
Red-winged Blackbird - Reifel Bird Sanctuary, Delta BC
One of my favourite sparrow species is the Fox Sparrow. You'll always see then on the ground foraging in the leaf litter. They are similar to Song Sparrows, but are somewhat larger and have a more rounded look to them. The chest is more splotchy rather than streaky.
Reifel is also the best place to get close-ups of the Wood Duck species. They root around on the ground for bird seed, but also perch on the fence rails around the Sanctuary.

Wood Duck - Reifel Bird Sanctuary, Delta BC
Although the male above is very showy with all his colours, the female is equally striking.

Wood Duck (F) - Reifel Bird Sanctuary, Delta BC
The Black-capped Chickadees are everywhere and are always willing to perch on your hand for bird seed. Here's one looking for a handout.
Black-capped Chickadee - Reifel Bird Sanctuary, Delta BC
Of course the Mallards are very common and will eat as much bird seed as they can. Chris and Nancy had some seed remaining and threw it on the ground as we were reaching the exit.

Mallard - Reifel Bird Sanctuary, Delta BC
When we first entered the Sanctuary someone had pointed out an Eurasian Wigeon on an island out in the House pond. I took a few shots but the duck was sleeping and had its head tucked in. When we returned, I had a quick check and it was now awake and more visible.
This species is related to our American Wigeon, and quite a few of them have chosen the west coast as home.
This was my first good photo of the species for 2017, although I had seen it earlier in the year.

Eurasian Wigeon - Reifel Bird Sanctuary, Delta BC
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